Rhetoric 修辞 Exhibition at 798 in Beijing

Mang Ke, Oil on Canvas 80 x 80 cm


“Rhetoric : paintings by contemporary poets”

修辭: 當代詩人畫展

One of the major goals of my on-going project is to observe ways in which contemporary Chinese visual art and poetry work together. Demonstrating that this topic is relevant to prominent cultural figures in contemporary China is an exhibition at 798 at 纯粹当代艺术空间 (rather inexplicably in English: “Chunchi Art”) which opened September 25, curated by Jiang Nan 姜楠 and Sun Lei 孙磊, and featuring poetry art convergences of a variety of types.  Among the poet-artists on display, Mang Ke 芒克 is arguably one of the most famous. Above is his Untitled (2010.1.6), a completely abstract work:

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